
Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

learning strategies

One of factor wich can be applicated in study foreign language is learning strategies. Learning strategies is a stages for make a learner active in study and direct implicated in studying process or in language classes.
According to Oxford (1990:8), learning strategies is one of the method wich used with learner in getting, founding, saving, traying, and using the information. Beside that function, learning strategies is activities wich can make learning process easier, faster or quickly, gratify, purpose and affective. And according to O’Malley (Brown 1994:115-118) there are three kinds of the English learning strategies. The first is metacognitive strategies, the second is cognitive strategies, and the last socio-affective strategies.
Metacogninitive strategies is indirect learning strategies. This strategiesis emphasize the important consentration for learner, functional planning, selp monitoring, self evaluation and also evaluating this strategies. And this strategies call as basic strategies.
And the next is Cognitive strategies. Referring to Gagne, cognitive strategies are internal skill of people to thinking , to finishing or overing the problem, and take a choice. Cognitive strategies’s skill, make the thinking process unique in analising, in finishing the problem, and in taking or choosing the choice. there are many grains in this strategi such as knowing, comprehending, applying, analizing, evaluating, repeating, imitating, comparing, analogy, classifying, and note taking. And five point in the first enter to thinking level. Piaget said that cognitive function consist of four factor, self-controling, physical area, maturity, and social effect.
And the next strategies is socio-affective strategies. This last strategies included the emotion, attitude, motivation, and spirit value in learning process. And back to Oxford (1990:141)teory , there are three steps for using socio-affective strategies in learning. The learner can decrease the worried by listening the music,laughing, and meditation after studying; organize self-emotion; positive thinking; confidence; and discussion with friends when have some problem or question.
So the most important one except the strategies when the learner study is teacher figure. The teacher not only as the instructure but also as a fasilitator,consultan, must help learner when get the problem wich be related with learning process, manager or director, adviser (counselor), and founder of an idea. And the prime role of teacher is focus to learner. This strategies helps the learner for make the best or optimum in study until get the best result in study.
But according to Oxford (1990:14), just mention two learning strategies. The first is direct learning strategies wich devide to three strategies, there are memorizing strategies, cognitive strategies, and compensation strategies. And the second is indirect learning strategies wich also have the important role in learning. Some of factors in this indirect strategies related to cognitive, affective or learner feelling, an social factor of learner.

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